2023 KidsLinked Delaware Fall Festival & TreatFest presented by ServPro of Delaware

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October 8, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM


Delaware YMCA
1121 S. Houk Rd.
Delaware, OH 43015

2023 KidsLinked Delaware Fall Festival & TreatFest presented by ServPro of Delaware

Sunday, 10/8/23 1-4pm

Delaware YMCA, 1121 S Houk Rd. 

Register Now!

We are excited to invite your family and friends to the 5th annual Delaware Fall Festival & TreatFest presented by ServPro of Delaware. The event has so much fun to offer the whole family – hayrides, pumpkin patch, bounce park, carnival games, costume contest, trick or treating, magician, balloon artist, face painter, mini golf, character meet & greet, fun prize wheel, duck matching games (win different Halloween items!), free popcorn, food & treat trucks, shopping, find things for the family, home and more!

-- First 200 receive a FREE pumpkin – spin to win small or medium pumpkin! --

-- First 200 receive a FREE treat from Tim Hortons! --

Register Now!

Event Registration Opportunities:


Pre-register for the fun items below (will fill up fast) - Click on "Register":

1. DIAMOND Entry - Option #1 : FREE- (LIMIT 100): Admits entire family:

  • Early Entry (1PM-2PM)
  • VIP Bag*!

2. GOLD Entry - Option #2: FREE:- (LIMIT 300): Admits entire family:

  • General Entry (2PM-4PM) or $2 per person at event. Admits entire family.

3. EVERTYTHING PASS - (LIMIT 100) $12:- PRESALE ONLY – (Per Person) - $15 value!

  • Early Entry (1PM-2PM) - Includes all adults in party.
  • 5 Activity Tickets (used for Carnival games, Hayride or Mini Golf – 2 tickets for mini golf)
  • Unlimited Bounce Park (all day)
  • 1 Free Pumpkin – Spin to Win Medium or Small Pumpkin
  • Fun Pass (see below)
  • VIP Bag (1 max per family)!


1. Bounce Park (Limit 200 - $5 Pre-register or $7 at event - per child):

  • Unlimited Access to fun Bounce Park Items (1-4PM)

2. Activity Tickets ($6 for 3 Tickets - $3.00 per tickets at event) Tickets Used for:

  • CARNIVAL GAMES (All games 1 Ticket except Giant Prize Wheel 2 tickets) Play 7 fun games Frog Flipper, Tin Can, Giant Prize Wheel, Racing Pigs, Rubber Chicken Launcher, Coin Roller and Nerf Gun Shooting Gallery! Win prizes – super fun!
  • Hayride Fun hayride only 1 ticket per rider!
  • Mini Golf (2 Tickets) Play our fun 9 hole mini golf course – play with your family & friends

3. Fun Pass! (Limit 500 - FREE): includes the following items:

  • Duck Matching Game: Play to win either a Halloween silly putty, pencil, Squishy toy, Bracelet or candy bin!
  • Mystery Prize Wheel (1:10PM -3:50PM): Receive 1 spin on the fun prize wheel to win one of 8 different prizes!
  • Lollipop Game (1:10PM-3:50PM): Play this fun lollipop game where you will pick various lollipops (Giant Blow Pop, regular Blow Pop, and other fun lollipops) fun game!
  • Character Meet & Greet (1-4PM): Meet princess or superhero in a special picture area!
  • Costume Contest (starts 2:30PM): Enter our fun costume contest! We will have fun prizes for everyone that enters, and the winner of the contest receiving gift cards from Dave & Busters of Polaris or Scene 75! Enter before contest fills up.

VIP Bag Includes (1 per family): Pen from Josh & Jason Haskins Geico Office, BOGO to Big Air Trampoline Park (at Polaris Mall), 1 free pack of Timbits from Tim Hortons, Texas Roadhouse free appetizer, $10 Power Card or $25 for $25 coupon to Dave & Busters and more!

Register Now!

Event Details (Outdoors):

  • What: 5th Annual Delaware Fall Festival & TreatFest Presented by ServPro of Delaware
  • Where: Delaware YMCA (1121 S Houk Rd, Delaware, OH 43015)
  • When: Sunday, October 8, 2023 (1-2PM VIP Entry / 2-4 PM General Entry)
  • FUN items: Fun fall festival that includes hayrides, pumpkin patch, bounce park, carnival games, costume contest, trick or treating, the popular Magical Mr. J magician, balloon artist, face painter, mini golf, character meet & greet, fun prize wheel, duck matching games (win different Halloween items!), free popcorn and lots of other neat items for your family!
  • What to do at the event: Get ready for Fall & Winter by finding classes, activities, care, programs, and educational items. Plus connect with local resources, shopping, heath & wellness. plus discover and shop for neat things for your home.
  • How it works: Start at the KidsLinked booth (located near the front of the main entrance of the YMCA - look for the blue check in sign & bubbles). From there you can receive whatever item you signed up to do and directions on where to start the fun. Let the fun begin!
  • Admission: FREE (if you register ahead of time or $2 at the event)!

Event Schedule:

  • 1:00: VIP ENTRY OPENS!
  • 1:05: Bounce Park & Carnival Games Open!
  • 2:00: The Magic of Mr. J Performance
  • 2:30: Costume Contest (Main Stage)
  • 3:00: The Magic of Mr. J Performance
  • 4:00: Event Ends. Thanks for coming!

Make sure you pre-register to participate for all the fun activities!

Register Now!

Interested in being a Vendor?

Click Here!

How it works:

Step 1: Click on "Get Tickets"

Step 2: Register for any of the fun items.

Step 3: Your registration will be added to the respective list of what you are registering.

Step 4: Arrive to the event during your assigned time (depending on your entry time) the day of the event; your name will be checked off the list for entry.

Step 5: Have fun!

Please share the event with family and friends, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Register Now!

October 8, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM